


  2月17日,霍尼韦尔与其商业伙伴共同出席了在洛杉矶举行的中美经贸合作论坛。习近平副主席向近1200名各公司代表发表了讲演。此次论坛由中国商务部与美国商务部共同举办。习副主席在讲演中强调:“中国十二五规划带来了巨大的市场机遇,中美公司需要进一步推进经济合作。” 在习副主席演讲之后的签约仪式上,霍尼韦尔共签署了三大业务合同。




  霍尼韦尔航空航天集团整合交付副总裁马浩翔先生与中国商用飞机有限责任公司副总经理、C919总设计师吴光辉共同签署了C919大型客机项目大气数据和惯性基准系统采购和研制合同。根据合同,霍尼韦尔将为中国商飞 C919飞机提供引导和导航子系统航空电子设备。由于是符合资质的出口销售交易,此次合同得到了美国商务部的认可。
















  From Feb. 14 to 18, People’s Republic of China Vice President Xi Jinping paid his reciprocal visit to the United States after President Hu's state visit to Washington, DC in 2011. 

  On Feb 17th, Honeywell and its business partners participated the U.S. – China Economic Cooperation Forum in Los Angeles, where Xi addressed nearly 1200 corporate representatives. This event was hosted and sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce in cooperation with the US Department of Commerce. “China has big market opportunity raised by the 12th Five Year Plan and call for more economic corporation between the US and Chinese companies”, Xi stated strongly in his keynote speech.  During the signing ceremony follow by Xi’s speech, Honeywell signed total three business contracts.

  Mark Howes, Vice President of Honeywell Aerospace Integrated Delivery

  System together with Mr. Wu Guanghui, Vice President of COMAC

  on the stage of signing ceremony

  Mark Howes handshake with Mr. Liu Wensheng, Vice President of BoYun
  Mark Howes, Vice President of Honeywell Aerospace Integrated Delivery System signed the Air Data and Inertial Reference SystemmasterContract with the Chief Designer of C919 aircraft, Vice President of the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd.(COMAC) Mr.Wu Guanghui. According to this contract, Honeywell will supply avionics guidance and navigation subsystems to the COMAC C919 aircraft. This contract received the acknowledgement from the US Advocacy Center as it falls under the qualifying category export sales transaction.

  On the same stage, Mark Howes signed the Joint Venture Contract for C919 Wheels and Brakes with Vice President Liu Wensheng of HuNan BoYun Material Co., Ltd. The Letter of Intent between COMAC, Honeywell and BoYun was signed in July 2010, and after very hard negotiation, agreement was finally been reached. This contract is an example of a U.S. company providing the leading commercial aviation technologies and becoming the preferred choice of global customers.  

  Stephen Shang, Honeywell China President & CEO with Mr. Ma Xuming,

  Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Wuhan Municipal Committee

  Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Wuhan East Lake High Technology

  Development Zone on the signing stage

  Stephen Shang and Mark Howes met with He Bei Governor Zhang Qingwei

  with partners from Wu Guanghui, Vice President of COMAC

  and Dr. Huang Boyun from Bo Yun as a gathering with old and new friends

  Stephen Shang, Honeywell China President & CEO signed a contract with Wuhan East Lake High Tech Development Zone on a new turbocharger manufacturing facility.


  Besides participating the investment promotion event organized by Chongqing city, Stephen also met those representatives from Xi's traveling party, which includes Chinese officials from Ministry of Commence,  CCCME (China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Economic Products) and other senior officials from ministries and several provincial groups and business agencies, like He Bei governor Zhang Qingwei, former President of COMAC and others.

  The signing and other business activities during Vice President Xi’s visit demonstrate our  contribution and strength on energy saving and security field to both governments and all parties. The strategic partnership relations with COMAC and BoYun have also been greatly strengthened through these events. 

发布时间:2012年2月22日 17:02 人气: 
