德恩科直线电机 Linear systems



    德恩科是管状直线电机的创造者,它为直线电机的直线运动性能和简易度以及机械性能提供了新的标准,.运行更快, 更安静,易清洁,性价比高.有超过25000台的直线电机被应用在多个行业.德恩科直线电机和直线执行器将成为直线电机应用领域的领导者之一.

         Dunkermotoren Linear Systems is the inventor of the tubular linear motor. Simple and elegant, the tubular motor reflects an innovative approach to designing the optimal linear motor. Dunkermotoren motors set new standards for performance, ease of mechanical integration and cost-of-ownership. With over 25,000 motors shipped, Dunkermotoren Linear Systems is a world leader in the application of linear motors.

发布时间:2012年3月23日 16:21 人气: 
