



Sizector®3D相机由盛相科技自主研发,产品家族包含5大系列、4种原生分辨率、17个型号,覆盖了目前各类工业应用场景下常用的11种视野,用户广泛活跃于消费电子制造业、汽车、新能源、精密制造以及各大科研院所和高校。Sizector 3D相机多款型号均处于业内领先地位,并多次获得行业殊荣,H40面世后便一举夺得“2018 CMVU创新产品奖”特等奖;S162060于近期斩获《控制工程》中文版“2021年度(机器视觉类)最佳产品奖” 和《视觉系统设计》中文版 “Innovator Awards 2021”银奖两项大奖。


Mega Phase Technology

Mega Phase Technology, located in Shanghai Zhangjiang Science City, is a well-known industrial 3D camera manufacturer in the industry, the 3D group leader of CMVU Standardization Committee and National High-tech Enterprise. The company has advanced technology development and management experience. Since its establishment, the company has made remarkable achievements in technology research and development, and has a number of invention, utility model and software copyright patents.

Sizector®3D Camera

Mega Phase Technology owns its own intellectual property rights. The products are divided into 5 series with 17 models, covering 11 FOVs from 20 mm to 800 mm. Customers are widely active in consumer electronics manufacturing, automotive, new energy, precision manufacturing and major research institutes and universities. H40 won the special prize of "2018 CMVU Innovative Product Award"; S162060 won the "2021  Best Product Award( Machine Vision category)" of "Control Engineering China" and  "Innovator Awards 2021" Silver Award of "Vision System Design China" .

"Innovation Creates Value". Mega Phase technology is committed to promoting the overall upgrading of the industry and creating a world-class industrial 3D visual brand through advanced technology and outstanding 3D vision products.

更多详细请访问: http://www.megaphase3d.com/